Our authors

Andreas Tanke



Since early youth contacts to aquaristics. With about 10 years first own aquarium. In the 1990s break. 2002 Re-entry into aquaristics. In addition to keeping and breeding South American fish, I am also interested in their origins, so I have already been able to make several trips to South America. I have also been active as an author and speaker for many years, passing on the knowledge I have acquired. By my company (ATS-EDV-Service) it was a good opportunity to combine the pleasant with the useful. Since I had a lot of good fish pictures anyway, it was obvious to make them available to other people and to work together with photographer friends.
New book: Bristlenose Catfishes: The Plecos of the Genus Ancistrus

New book: Bristlenose Catfishes: The Plecos of the Genus Ancistrus

... what lasts a long time will finally be good! After years of putting you off, we can now finally give you a ...
ATS-Aquashop auf der Vivarium 2024 in den Niederlanden

ATS-Aquashop auf der Vivarium 2024 in den Niederlanden

Hi folks, After we unfortunately had to cancel the 20th Aquaristik- & Terraristiktage due to illness, we ...
Worldwide shipping with restrictions in the EU!

Worldwide shipping with restrictions in the EU!

Dear customers, as there are always astonished queries, I would like to try to provide a little clarity. We ...
New Book: Bagrids, Hillstream, and other Catfishes of Asia

New Book: Bagrids, Hillstream, and other Catfishes of Asia

Having already published two successful books with Steven Grant, we have now ventured into another book. This time ...
ATS Aquashop at the Aquaristik- & Terraristiktage in Falkenberg/Elster

ATS Aquashop at the Aquaristik- & Terraristiktage in Falkenberg/Elster

Hi folks, This fall will be really active. Just two weeks after the aqua-EXPO days in Dortmund, we will also be ...
non-binding pre-order of the second edition of the book by Steven Grant “Pims 2nd edition – Pimelodidae, Heptapteridae and Pseudopimelodidae Catfishes”

non-binding pre-order of the second edition of the book by Steven Grant “Pims 2nd edition – Pimelodidae, Heptapteridae and Pseudopimelodidae Catfishes”

... So now the time has come. The first edition of Pims sold out quickly and there were many calls for a ...
non-binding pre-order of the new book by Steven Grant “Bagrids, Hillstream, and other Catfishes of Asia”

non-binding pre-order of the new book by Steven Grant “Bagrids, Hillstream, and other Catfishes of Asia”

... So now the time has come. We are launching the non-binding pre-order phase for Steven Grant's new book ...
ATS Aquashop at the aqua-EXPO days in Dortmund

ATS Aquashop at the aqua-EXPO days in Dortmund

Hi folks, a busy fall is coming for all of us. We will be represented with our own stand at the 12th aqua-EXPO ...
The book “Snakeheads – Science and husbandry” is now available

The book “Snakeheads – Science and husbandry” is now available

Hello dear customers and friends of snakeheads, the time has finally come. We have received the German version of ...
News about the book “Snakehead Fishes – Science, Aquarium and Nature”

News about the book “Snakehead Fishes – Science, Aquarium and Nature”

Dear customers and Channa friends, what lasts a long time will finally be good. As you have already noticed, our ...

BlackWeekend Deal at ATS-Aquashop!

We are offering our photo calendar for the year 2024 at a one-off discount on BlackWeekend. Only until the end of ...
Everything new is brought by November…

Everything new is brought by November…

Fitting for the pre-Christmas season, we have finally implemented some innovations in our webshop. Thus, the art ...
<a href="https://www.ats-aquashop.de/en/autor/atanke/" target="_self">Andreas Tanke</a>

Andreas Tanke

Seit frühester Jugend Kontakte zur Aquaristik. Mit etwa 10 Jahren erstes eigenes Aquarium. In den 1990er Jahren Pause. 2002 Wiedereinstieg in die Aquaristik. Neben der Haltung und Zucht von südamerikanischen Fischen interessiere ich mich auch für deren Herkunft, so dass ich schon einige Reisen nach Südamerika unternehmen konnte. Außerdem bin ich schon seit Jahren als Autor und Referent aktiv und gebe so mein erlerntes Wissen weiter. Durch mein Unternehmen (ATS-EDV-Service) bot es sich an hier das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen zu verbinden. Da ich eh viele gute Fischbilder hatte, lag es auf der Hand, diese auch anderen Leute zugänglich zu machen und hierbei auch mit befreundeten Fotografen zusammen zu arbeiten.
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