News about the book “Snakehead Fishes – Science, Aquarium and Nature”

by | 07.03.2024 | New Products, News

Dear customers and Channa friends,
what lasts a long time will finally be good.

As you have already noticed, our new book “Snakehead Fishes – Science, Aquarium and Nature” by Dominik Niemeier has unfortunately been significantly delayed due to numerous unforeseen circumstances. In the meantime, however, the first test prints of the final book have arrived and are currently being checked and then we still have to make the final corrections before the book goes to print.

The book now contains 552 pages, more than 600 high quality color photos and 62 scientifically described and more than 10 undescribed species of snakehead fishes and will weigh almost 2kg!

The book will be available from 13.05.2024 at the regular retail price of €79.95 (incl. 7% VAT).

For you insiders who have been waiting so long for the book, we are offering the book until April 6, 2024 at a subscription price of €75.95 (incl. 7% VAT) and, with shipping within Germany, even free shipping (using the coupon code: freeshipping_channa). After that, everyone must pay the normal retail price of €79.95 (incl. 7% VAT) and the regular shipping costs.

Cover Schlangenkopffische D Niemeier DE live
Schlangenkopffische D Niemeier Seite 072 073 live
Schlangenkopffische D Niemeier Seite 082 083 live
Schlangenkopffische D Niemeier Seite 274 275 live

We have already had good experience with this pre-order phase for our other book projects and can thus determine the quantity of books to be printed more precisely.

If someone would like to get his book signed by Domi, please write this in the order comments, we try to fulfill all wishes.

Unfortunately, we are unable to serve end customers from the EU region due to the exorbitant costs and regulations for the disposal of packaging waste. But I hope that some dealers from the relevant countries, such as Austria, France, etc., will also get involved in this way. … who can take over the distribution there. We also offer good reseller conditions. If any of you is interested in, just get in touch with us…

There are also a few copies of our second book “Banjos, Dorads and Woodcats – Aspredinidae, Doradidae and Auchenipteridae Catfishes” by Steven Grant still available. Combined shipping of course saves shipping costs…

As soon as we are in print with the German version, we will start working on the English edition. We expect a release in less than 6 months after the German edition. At the international trade fair Interzoo ( from May 7 to 10, 2024, we will also have the first samples with us and will be seeking talks with some international retailers and importers.

Best Regards


Yours Andi

<a href="" target="_self">Andreas Tanke</a>

Andreas Tanke

Seit frühester Jugend Kontakte zur Aquaristik. Mit etwa 10 Jahren erstes eigenes Aquarium. In den 1990er Jahren Pause. 2002 Wiedereinstieg in die Aquaristik. Neben der Haltung und Zucht von südamerikanischen Fischen interessiere ich mich auch für deren Herkunft, so dass ich schon einige Reisen nach Südamerika unternehmen konnte. Außerdem bin ich schon seit Jahren als Autor und Referent aktiv und gebe so mein erlerntes Wissen weiter. Durch mein Unternehmen (ATS-EDV-Service) bot es sich an hier das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen zu verbinden. Da ich eh viele gute Fischbilder hatte, lag es auf der Hand, diese auch anderen Leute zugänglich zu machen und hierbei auch mit befreundeten Fotografen zusammen zu arbeiten.
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