Our new book: Banjos, Dorads and Woodcats – Aspredinidae, Doradidae and Auchenipteridae Catfishes

by | 22.11.2021 | New Products

After the great success of our first self-published book “Pims – Pimelodidae, Heptapteridae and Pseudopimelodidae Catfishes” with the author Steven Grant. We immediately got to work again and set about closing another gap in the specialist literature.

This time we have chosen the “Banjos, Dorads and Woodcats – Aspredinidae, Doradidae and Auchenipteridae Catfishes” Assuming that these are the talking catfishes (because of the growling noises they can make), the banjo catfish and the dorad catfish.

We present this fascinating group of catfish on 300 full-color pages. We provide information about keeping these animals in the aquarium, how to feed them, as well as their synonyms and common names. In addition, this book also provides information on the identification of species and genera, and on the ecology and size of the animals. Catfish from 52 genera in more than 100 species of the families Aspredinidae, Doradidae and Auchenipteridae are presented in over 400 high-quality color photos by renowned photographers. This book will become an invaluable guide for aquarists and ichthyologists to the superfamily Doradoidea, or Banjos, Dorads and Woodcats.

The book can now be ordered from our store: Banjos, Dorads and Woodcats – Aspredinidae, Doradidae and Auchenipteridae Catfishes

It will start shipping on December 23, 2021. We are trying to bring the release date forward a little, but unfortunately we cannot promise this at the moment.

As a small compensation, however, we will add a small surprise to the first orders.

We are also working on contacting resellers from all over the world so that the book will be available in as many regions as possible. We are also happy to receive further inquiries.

<a href="https://www.ats-aquashop.de/en/autor/atanke/" target="_self">Andreas Tanke</a>

Andreas Tanke

Seit frühester Jugend Kontakte zur Aquaristik. Mit etwa 10 Jahren erstes eigenes Aquarium. In den 1990er Jahren Pause. 2002 Wiedereinstieg in die Aquaristik. Neben der Haltung und Zucht von südamerikanischen Fischen interessiere ich mich auch für deren Herkunft, so dass ich schon einige Reisen nach Südamerika unternehmen konnte. Außerdem bin ich schon seit Jahren als Autor und Referent aktiv und gebe so mein erlerntes Wissen weiter. Durch mein Unternehmen (ATS-EDV-Service) bot es sich an hier das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen zu verbinden. Da ich eh viele gute Fischbilder hatte, lag es auf der Hand, diese auch anderen Leute zugänglich zu machen und hierbei auch mit befreundeten Fotografen zusammen zu arbeiten.
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