Promotions, Dates & News
In this blog we inform you about new products and promotions around our web shop.
In addition to other motifs and materials, this naturally also includes completely new products. We will also announce our trade fair appearances here.
It will also be possible to preorder products that are not in stock for a trade fair, so that we can hand them over there.
Bagrids, Hillstream, and other Catfishes of Asia
More than 60 detailed species profiles
a total of more than 250 species from 13 families and 69 genera
Poster: The World of Tadpoles – Lepidurus & Triops
Poster: The World of Tadpoles - Lepidurus & Triops. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Fairy Shrimps
Poster: The World of Fairy Shrimps. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Betta – Betta Wildforms
Poster: The World of Betta - Betta Wildforms. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Killifishes
Poster: The World of Killifishes. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Betta – Betta splendens II
Poster: The World of Betta - Betta splendens II. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Betta – Betta splendens III
Poster: The World of Betta - Betta splendens III. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Poster: The World of Betta – Betta splendens IV
Poster: The World of Betta - Betta splendens IV. Perfect prints on high-quality, glossy 250g/m² art paper! The DIN A1 size (841*597 mm) makes it a great eye-catcher for the fish room as well as in the office or living room.
We can also offer most of our art prints as posters on request.
Calendar: Calendar 2025 – Cover
Kalender: . Kalender sind ein wiederkehrendes Produkt, das wir alle Jahre wieder in unser Sortiment aufnehmen. Wir produzieren jeweils im Herbst die Kalender für das folgende Jahr. Möglicherweise gibt es dann im Winter/Frühjahr noch vereinzelte Restexemplare zu erwerben, aber die Hauptzeit ist hierbei der Herbst eines jeden Jahres.
Zur Zeit bieten wir Euch die Kalender in der Größe DIN A3 (420*297 mm) auf hochwertigem, glänzendem 250g/m² Kunstdruckpapier. Die Kalender sind noch mit einer Schutzfolie vor dem Titelblatt versehen.
Es ist DAS Highlight für jeden Aquarienraum oder auch das Wohn- oder Arbeitszimmer eines jeden Aquarianers..
Sticker: Parancistrus nudiventris (L 16)
Sticker: Parancistrus nudiventris (L 16). Absolutely realistic stickers of your aquarium inhabitants on transparent vinyl film. So that the design is perfectly recognizable, we have highlighted the animals with white paint. The 100µ transparent vinyl film is easy to apply. Images of numerous ornamental fish, shrimps and snails from all over the world are available. Parancistrus nudiventris (L 16)
Sticker: Ancistrus ranunculus (L 34)
Sticker: Ancistrus ranunculus (L 34). Absolutely realistic stickers of your aquarium inhabitants on transparent vinyl film. So that the design is perfectly recognizable, we have highlighted the animals with white paint. The 100µ transparent vinyl film is easy to apply. Images of numerous ornamental fish, shrimps and snails from all over the world are available. Ancistrus ranunculus (L 34)