Worldwide shipping with restrictions in the EU!

by | 20.10.2024 | News, General

Dear customers,

as there are always astonished queries, I would like to try to provide a little clarity.

We generally ship worldwide. BUT due to the special situation in the EU, there are unfortunately some restrictions here.

The EU Packaging Directive was adopted in 2021, which is intended to regulate the return of packaging waste and also reduce packaging waste. However, as is usual in the EU, a huge administrative monster has been created here once again, which massively disadvantages small retailers or even excludes them from markets.

Instead of simply and centrally completing these reports in their home country or at least creating de minimis limits, many countries require registration and licensing for a fee. Failure to comply can sometimes result in heavy fines or even imprisonment!

Even with relatively low license fees (e.g. EUR 80 in France), the effort is only worthwhile if a certain number of orders are placed. For example, with 5 orders per year, the shipping costs to France would have to be increased by EUR 16!

In some countries, you even have to have a local representative, which would increase the costs to several hundred euros. Of course, this only makes sense for a really large number of shipments to the respective country.

Fortunately, B2B shipping is exempt from this in most countries, i.e. we are now particularly interested in dealer inquiries from France, Austria, Sweden and Spain so that we can also serve our customers there.

For the countries Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Cyprus, Luxembourg there is currently no possibility to supply them.

If any of you have more recent or even better information, we would be pleased to hear from you, as we would of course love to supply ALL our customers.



<a href="" target="_self">Andreas Tanke</a>

Andreas Tanke

Seit frühester Jugend Kontakte zur Aquaristik. Mit etwa 10 Jahren erstes eigenes Aquarium. In den 1990er Jahren Pause. 2002 Wiedereinstieg in die Aquaristik. Neben der Haltung und Zucht von südamerikanischen Fischen interessiere ich mich auch für deren Herkunft, so dass ich schon einige Reisen nach Südamerika unternehmen konnte. Außerdem bin ich schon seit Jahren als Autor und Referent aktiv und gebe so mein erlerntes Wissen weiter. Durch mein Unternehmen (ATS-EDV-Service) bot es sich an hier das Angenehme mit dem Nützlichen zu verbinden. Da ich eh viele gute Fischbilder hatte, lag es auf der Hand, diese auch anderen Leute zugänglich zu machen und hierbei auch mit befreundeten Fotografen zusammen zu arbeiten.
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